[00:00:49.520] [music] [00:00:48.080] This is a place we know. [00:00:50.960] Here in North Carolina's historic Mecklenburg County, [00:00:54.760] it is not just another town, [00:00:57.040] it is a place that has influenced the life, [00:00:59.600] the people of a wide region. [00:01:02.680] Whatever the season and however we come upon it we see it, [00:01:06.320] we remember it, as a place in which we have faith. [00:01:09.760] It has for those who know at a tone of reverence [00:01:12.440] for things of the spirit. [00:01:14.120] It is quiet and it has an academic dignity. [00:01:18.080] Yet there's lots of collegiate life and student fun, too. [00:01:22.280] It has been so since 1837. [00:01:25.840] Davidson College. [00:01:30.800] More important to Davidson than buildings, [00:01:33.400] more significant even than courses, [00:01:36.240] is something else. [00:01:37.960] That more important thing is people, students, [00:01:42.320] alumni, friends, faculty, and staff. [00:01:50.840] Whether we review faculty names [00:01:53.800] in an old Davidson catalog [00:01:56.720] for the antebellum year 1848 [00:02:00.360] or recall our postwar faculty a hundred [00:02:03.080] years later in 1948, [00:02:05.920] we see the sort of people who know the college [00:02:09.440] and who will ever honor Dr. John R. Cunningham. [00:02:14.920] Churchman, educator, gentleman. [00:02:20.320] No film and no book will ever record [00:02:22.960] to our full satisfaction [00:02:25.120] all the accomplishments of his sixteen years [00:02:27.880] at Davidson. [00:02:30.040] Each of us must call [00:02:30.400] upon his own memories to document the achievements [00:02:33.120] that have steadily highlighted these years. [00:02:35.800] Each future generation will tell the epic story [00:02:39.040] of '41 to '57 at Davidson. [00:02:46.040] Let us look for a moment at one part of that story, [00:02:49.520] a project that symbolizes the spiritual [00:02:52.080] strength that will perpetuate the Davidson [00:02:54.640] that has been built by such men as [00:02:57.240] Henry Lewis Smith, William Joseph Martin, Walter L. Lingle, and [00:03:02.800] John R. Cunningham. [00:03:05.680] During Dr. Cunningham's [00:03:07.040] early years at Davidson [00:03:08.880] the need for an appropriate and inspiring [00:03:11.400] place of worship was seen as a definite necessity. [00:03:15.600] And we all remember how pictures such as these [00:03:18.120] were used to dramatize the need. [00:03:20.960] Plans were drawn and the idea became a dream and a challenge. [00:03:25.400] Over much of a decade, the work went ahead to secure the necessary funds. [00:03:32.200] The dream seemed almost within our grasp [00:03:35.640] when Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, [00:03:39.600] heralded World War II and a special [00:03:42.120] phase in Davidson's history. [00:03:47.560] Building plans were shelved as Davidson College [00:03:50.280] became a part of America's wartime team. [00:03:53.440] Careful management and full cooperation with [00:03:56.000] the armed services enabled the college [00:03:58.800] to achieve distinction and yet [00:04:01.320] hold its own as an educational institution, [00:04:04.720] both during the war and in the difficult postwar years. [00:04:09.760] It was a critical time where Davidson had a leader who could [00:04:13.680] guide the affairs of the college with care, [00:04:17.040] vision, and great wisdom. [00:04:22.320] After the war and with inflation, [00:04:25.000] the dream of a new church remained, despite [00:04:27.720] a successful pre-war fund drive, [00:04:30.440] still just a church on paper. [00:04:34.000] It was then that [00:04:35.280] Dr. Cunningham and the college trustees swung [00:04:38.080] into action with an unprecedented two and a half million dollar [00:04:41.600] development program [00:04:43.320] to raise additional funds for the church and [00:04:46.000] the gymnasium and to satisfy many [00:04:48.680] other pressing needs. [00:04:51.240] To underwrite the biggest financial effort in Davidson's history [00:04:54.520] was an operation that took faith and prayer [00:04:57.440] and organization. A time consuming [00:05:00.320] mobilization of Davidson supporters everywhere. [00:05:06.560] It required travel, too. Months and months of travel. [00:05:14.400] Sleeper jumps, bus rides, one night stands. [00:05:17.600] In fact, it has been a timetable existence for [00:05:20.600] Dr. Cunningham throughout these sixteen years. [00:05:23.240] Year after year, he has told the Davidson [00:05:26.080] story to people in New York, Philadelphia, [00:05:29.560] Washington, Richmond, [00:05:32.280] Raleigh, Charlotte, [00:05:34.840] Atlanta, Jacksonville, [00:05:38.520] Miami, and everywhere else where Davidson people live. [00:05:43.440] Proof that the story was well told [00:05:46.120] has come in the return in dollars of course, [00:05:49.480] but also in a widespread expression of enthusiasm and understanding. [00:05:54.640] Evidence that Davidson is moving forward [00:05:57.760] as an ever better liberal arts college [00:06:00.720] serving the church, the South, and the nation. [00:06:05.920] The development program had not been completed [00:06:08.440] in 1950, but we held a parade [00:06:11.080] of progress homecoming anyway. [00:06:15.200] The Charles Worth Johnston Gymnasium was dedicated that year. [00:06:16.820] We talked about plans [00:06:19.760] for another dream, to convert the old gymnasium [00:06:22.560] into a college union, [00:06:24.520] and most important, [00:06:26.320] we broke ground for the new college church. [00:06:29.400] An act of faith that the church would be completed [00:06:32.920] and that many essential phases of Davidson's [00:06:35.680] academic program would be strengthened. [00:06:38.520] There were days of excitement in the process. [00:06:41.320] Historic, unforgettable days. [00:06:44.280] The time honored old church, which had served long [00:06:47.080] decades of service, [00:06:48.880] now was torn down so that a new church [00:06:51.520] could rise on that lovely and historic site. [00:07:00.640] Soon, we gathered for another momentous day [00:07:03.520] and the cornerstone was laid. [00:07:05.960] Now, bit by bit, the dream was coming true. [00:07:18.760] Progress was really being made and shared [00:07:21.280] by Davidson men. [00:07:23.920] Consecrated leaders who had already laid the foundations [00:07:26.520] for the progress of these and future days. [00:07:40.880] Before long, we watched, along with Dr. Cunningham [00:07:43.640] and many of his coworkers, as the new [00:07:46.400] gradually took the place of the old. [00:07:50.600] Outlined against the sky, the steel [00:07:53.120] and brick and stone were, and are, [00:07:56.120] unimportant in themselves. [00:07:58.080] But as the structure slowly took shape, [00:08:00.600] we saw it as a symbol of other less visible developments. [00:08:04.600] [music] [00:08:11.720] We can see in this progress things of special interests, [00:08:14.240] whether we look at our fine [00:08:16.880] new Charles Worth Johnston Gymnasium, [00:08:20.000] or our handsome William Henry Bell dormitory, [00:08:23.280] or still another new dormitory to replace [00:08:27.520] old Rumple, or the college union [00:08:28.880] as a much needed center for campus life. [00:08:35.160] Nor would we forget the new plans for faculty housing, [00:08:37.720] a steadily increasing faculty salary scale, [00:08:42.560] many more student scholarships, and [00:08:45.160] countless other improvements that we know about, [00:08:47.760] but which cannot be photographed. [00:08:50.760] These things, considered along with material gains, [00:08:53.720] mean increased academic excellence, prestige, [00:08:56.840] and sound educational progress. [00:08:59.760] Now no longer a dream, [00:09:01.360] the Davidson church is a reality. [00:09:04.080] It is a part of a rich heritage of faith for the future. [00:09:08.400] Each time we experience its unique fitness [00:09:11.000] for this college, we do honor to the man [00:09:13.640] who guided it from blueprint to completion. [00:09:17.400] The man who worked always to enrich and undergird [00:09:20.400] the training of Christian leaders for this [00:09:23.080] age of new and overwhelming challenges [00:09:26.240] to the human spirit. [00:09:30.280] These sixteen years with Dr. Cunningham as president [00:09:33.640] have been marked by a [00:09:34.680] sense of planned continuity, [00:09:37.440] an attitude of what should be, can be. [00:09:40.800] Remember when the new library was opened in 1941, [00:09:43.580] how we all joined up with the famous book [00:09:47.120] brigade to transfer the books from the old library [00:09:50.000] to their new home. [00:09:51.560] Now, in 1957, [00:09:54.200] if the library doesn't accommodate the learning that is basic [00:09:56.960] to a liberal arts program of Davidson's type, [00:09:59.880] we make plans to enlarge it, to push out the back wall if need be, [00:10:04.000] to build additional space [00:10:05.440] for more books and study room. [00:10:08.114] [music] [00:10:10.920] The new is important, but the old is never forgotten. [00:10:14.833] [music] [00:10:17.320] With care for detail and beauty, [00:10:20.120] Dr. Cunningham has worked to develop the old campus as [00:10:22.840] a useful memorial to Davidson's heritage. [00:10:26.040] In restoring these ancient structures [00:10:28.760] we strengthen a college which is kept in step [00:10:31.840] with the resurgent South, and yet held [00:10:34.360] fast to the best and most noble of its [00:10:36.880] century old traditions. [00:10:40.960] Thus, this spirit of progress and planning, [00:10:43.840] set in motion by Dr. Cunningham, [00:10:46.120] challenges us to finish the [00:10:47.760] old quadrangle in years to come. [00:10:50.800] There is also need to study and improve fraternity [00:10:53.760] housing and dining arrangements. [00:10:56.557] [music] [00:11:02.520] As we review these dream sketches, [00:11:05.200] we are again reminded that what should be at Davidson [00:11:08.240] can be at Davidson. [00:11:10.600] [music] [00:11:15.480] We who are concerned for the religious life of [00:11:18.120] our nation and world are encouraged as [00:11:20.720] Dr. Cunningham begins a new and important task. [00:11:24.000] He will work not just for Davidson, but for all the [00:11:26.520] colleges, seminaries, mission boards, [00:11:29.040] and total program of the Presbyterian Church U.S. [00:11:31.720] In this larger field of service [00:11:35.080] he will continue to tell an important story of [00:11:37.680] Christianity at work in our world and our day. [00:11:41.120] It's a story which he as a churchman, educator, [00:11:44.040] and leader will tell with devoted skill and effectiveness. [00:11:48.840] The monumental good he has done will live [00:11:51.360] in our hearts and minds forever, [00:11:53.960] but we also honor the modest charm and warm friendliness [00:11:57.000] with which he, Mrs. Cunningham, [00:11:59.200] and their family have lived in our midst. [00:12:04.880] We are pleased that they are not going very far away. [00:12:08.360] In fact, it's just down the road a piece [00:12:10.960] from the president's home at Davidson [00:12:14.160] to their new home in [00:12:15.480] St. John's Wood in Charlotte. [00:12:18.840] This new home base will be headquarters for a full, busy life. [00:12:23.320] As Executive Director of the Presbyterian Foundation, [00:12:27.120] Dr. Cunningham will have as his territory [00:12:29.200] the entire General Assembly of [00:12:31.760] the Presbyterian Church U.S. [00:12:36.120] Hence, it is with deep joy and a sure prophecy [00:12:38.800] of his future accomplishments, that we honor [00:12:41.480] our friend, [00:12:43.040] Dr. John R. Cunningham. [00:12:45.440] Go forward sir with our prayers and warmest, [00:12:48.320] best wishes to strengthen in this crucial day [00:12:51.880] the church, local and worldwide, [00:12:55.240] which in common with this college, is [00:12:57.880] builded upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, [00:13:01.720] Jesus Christ himself being the chief [00:13:04.240] cornerstone in whom all the building [00:13:07.360] fitly frame together groweth [00:13:09.920] unto unholy temple, in whom [00:13:12.800] ye also are builded together [00:13:15.320] for inhabitation of God through the spirit. [00:13:18.457] [music]