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This is a bound, lined journal approximately 7.25 inches across and 9.50 inches in vertical length. It begins in 1902 with the first two pages dated Aug 7th and Sept 8th but with those first pages being blank. The actual written minutes begin with the page dated Oct 6th, 1902. The final date for recorded minutes is Sept. 11, 1922 which is followed by a torn page with a date of Oct. 2, 1905. That torn page appears to be notes for “Committees”. The torn page is followed by one that is not dated that is the guidelines for the society (when to meet, minimum attendance required, etc.). The final lined page is the roll with notations of “dead” or “removed” beside the doctors’ names. The minutes are somewhat limited and read more like an overview of each meeting. Often, when items are referred to a committee for further decisions they never seem to come to a conclusion at some later date. Scattered in the minutes will be several small pieces of paper that served as a doctor’s application to the society. These usually included the year of his license and the dues being paid at that time. Some of the highlights, as noted by dates: Oct. 3, 1903 Dr. J. S. Massey, Union County’s first Black physician, first appears named in the minutes – unusual for the time period for a Black doctor to be part of an all-white medical society Nov. 2, 1903 The proper fee to charge for twins was discussed (and then referred to a committee) Feb. 8, 1904 “…matter of a public hospital” discussed as well as the dam across Bearskin Creek and what possible health effects this might cause the town Apr. 7, 1913 whiskey prescriptions Feb. 2, 1914 Doctors are listed that are not attending the meeting along with their excuses, ending with “And the Lord alone knows what the others had” Aug. 2, 1921 Fees discussed for exams tied to marriage licenses Oct. 3, 1921 Ellen Fitzgerald Hospital superintendent, Miss Elliott, spoke at the meeting, “assuring the doctors present that she intended doing all in her power to make the hospital a success…” What is notably missing is any mention of Dr. Massey’s hospital, which opened in August of 1912. Also missing are any minutes for 1916* and 1918 but it is possible that those were kept in another book that has been lost or misplaced. *There is one item for 1916, a letter dated April 29, 1916, from the Gaston County Medical Society endorsing Dr. Garren.





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