

Photo of Clear Run High School's Class of 1967. Gradutes from left to right: Alford, Evita; Allen, Alice; Atkinson, Roland; Beatty, Betty; Brunson, Lillie; Boykin, Faye; Boykin, Coleman; Boykin, Glenn; Boykin, Jerome; Boykin, Ida; Bryant, Annie; Bryant, William; Burns, Milton; Burney, Rachel; Carr, Jenny; Carraway, Connie; Chavis, Carrie; Cooper, Isaiah; Crenshaw, Jennifer; Devane, Raphel; Devane, Elizabeth; Devane, Troy; Dove, Alford; Falson, Walter; Fennell, Blanche; Fennell, Charlie; Fryer, Patricia; Fryer, Carrie; Hayes, Barbara; Hayes, Frederick; Herring, Eddie; Henry, [?]; Hook, Leroy; Holes, Elmo; [?] Randolph; Hollingsworth, [?]; Herring, Gwendolyn; [?], Arthur; Johnson, Henry; Johnson, Alfred; Johnson, Truman; Johnson, Mary; Lamb, Peggy; [?]; Matthews, [?]; Matthews, Lillian; [?]; [?], Gloria; [?]; Melvin, Ronald; Miller, Glendolla; Miller, Ann; Miller, George; Miller, Willie; Murphy, Ronald; Murphy, Anthony; Murphy, Annette; Murphy, David; Murphy, Ervin; Murphy, Johnnie; Murphy, Ruby; Murphy, Evelyn; Newkirk, Mary; Newkirk, Mary Lee; Newkirk, Dorothy; Newkirk, Joyce; Newton Mildred; Parker, Willie; Parker, Mary; Peterson, Kenneth; Peterson, Larry; [?], Ethel; Powell, Jane; Robinson, Paulette; Robinson, Harold; Robinson, John; Robinson, Donnie; Robinson, Carl; Robinson [?]; [?], Willie; [?]; [?], Lee; Spearman, [?]; Spearman, [?]; Treadwell, Georgia; [?]; [?], Jerry; [?]; Williams, Linda; William, Larry; Williamson, Phillip. The 1967 staff included Tyler, G. W. (principal); Smith, Yvonne (advisor); McLaurin, Marton (advisor).





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