[00:00:17.360] On October the 30th, my opponent, [00:00:18.880] who wants to be elected governor, made the following statement: [00:00:22.800] "When we have something important, we want to get to the people [00:00:26.280] they going to get that information and that [00:00:28.840] information only." [00:00:31.200] He refuses to answer questions from the newsmen. [00:00:34.640] He says only what he wants you to hear. [00:00:37.800] He really knows how to manage the news. [00:00:41.080] Is that the type of man you want as your governor? [00:00:44.480] A man who states that you will get only [00:00:47.120] the information that he wants you to have? [00:00:51.800] As governor I will be honest and open and frank [00:00:54.400] and aboveboard with you at all time. [00:00:57.760] Newsmen will be allowed to question me [00:01:00.160] so that they might report to you the answers I give [00:01:03.480] by radio, television, and newspapers. [00:01:06.360] Just as I have done during this campaign, [00:01:09.880] there will be no secret when I become governor. [00:01:12.960] My administration will be an open one.