Descriptions of a Special Communication of the
Grand Lodge of North Carolina A. F. & A. Masons held at Raleigh
on January 14, 1871 in order to celebrate the Centennial Anniversary
of the Grand Lodge. Includes the names of those present and a
transcript of the oration delivered at the anniversary celebration.
Grand Officers of the Masonic Order present: Charles C. Clark, Grand
Master; Joseph B. Batchelor, Deputy Grand Master; John Nichols,
Senior Grand Warden; Philip A. Wiley, as Junior Grand Warden;
William E. Anderson, Grand Treasurer; Donald W. Bain, Grand
Secretary; Needham B. Broughton, as Senior Grand Deacon; B. W.
Hatcher, as Junior Grand Deacon; G. M. Whiteside, Grand Marshal; J.
B. Gayle, as Grand Sword Bearer; John C. Gorman, as Grand
Pursuivant; Joseph H. Separk, Grand Tiler.