

Descriptions of the ninety-fourth Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free & Accepted Masons of North Carolina held at the Masonic Hall in Raleigh from December 7 through 9, 1880, including reports from various committees, a list of lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, an accounting of the dues paid by subordinate lodges, a recapitulation of the meetings' events, a list of the fraternal dead of 1880, a list of the Grand Lodges in correspondence with North Carolina, representatives of the Grand Lodge and their respective locations, an index, and an appendix including a report on foreign correspondence. Overseen by the Grand Officers for the Masonic Year 1880: William R. Cox, Grand Master; J. C. L. Gudger, Deputy Grand Master; Charles W. Alexander, Senior Grand Warden; Henry F. Grainger, Junior Grand Warden; William E. Anderson, Grand Treasurer; Donald W. Bain, Grand Secretary; Charles H. Robinson, Senior Grand Deacon; William T. Kennedy, Junior Grand Deacon; John W. Cotten, Grand Marshal; R. J. Noble, Grand Sword Bearer; William H. Smith, Grand Pursuivant; John M. Fleming, Grand Steward; John T. Shubrick, Grand Steward; and Miles Goodwin, Grand Tiler.





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