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History of the Victory Section of Gaston County as written by Mrs. Sam Holloway's 8th grade class. Contents of the book include: • History of Olney Presbyterian Church • Victory School History • Hand drawn map of mills near Marietta St. (Seminole, Osceola, US Rubber, Dixon, Victory, Winget) • Report on the Dixon Mill by Gary German and Tommy Ipock • The Victory Mill by Henry Thomason • History Project Osceola Plant of Textiles-Incorporated by Jimmy Camp • The Ruby Mill • Seminole Mill • History of Myers Mill Photographs (black and white): 1. Olney Presbyterian Church 2. Main building of Victory School, March 1956. 3. Mr. R. D. Lingerfelt – school principal, March 1956. 4. Side view of school’s main building, March 1956. 5. Junior high school section, March 1956. 6. Two views of the primary building, Victory School, March 1956. (photo #1) 7. Two views of the primary building, Victory School, March 1956. (photo #2) 8. Outdoor basketball court, Victory school, March 1956. 9. Dixon Mill, Gastonia, North Carolina “Unloading Cotton” 10. Dixon Mill, Gastonia, North Carolina “Warehouse” 11. Dixon Mill, Gastonia, North Carolina, “Secretary-Dorothy Dixon and Tommy Ipock” 12. Dixon Mill, Gastonia, North Carolina, “Laboratory Testing Thread” 13. Dixon Mill, Gastonia, North Carolina, “First Aid Room” 14. Dixon Mill, Gastonia, North Carolina, “Spinning” 15. Dixon Mill, Gastonia, North Carolina, “Shipping Room” 16. Dixon Mill, Gastonia, North Carolina, “Weaving” 17. Victory Mill Textiles Inc., “Side view of Victory Plant” 18. Victory Mill Textiles Inc., “A view of the water tank near Victory Plant” 19. Victory Mill Textiles Inc., “An inside view of the Victory Plant Spinning Dept.”(photo 1) 20. Victory Mill Textiles Inc., “An inside view of the Victory Plant Spinning Dept.”(photo 2) 21. Winget Mill Textiles Inc., “Entrance to Winget Plant” 22. Winget Mill Textiles Inc., “Interior view, Winget Mill” 23. Winget Mill Textiles Inc., “Interior view, Winget Mill” 24. Winget Mill Textiles Inc., “Interior view, Winget Mill” 25. Naugatuck Chemical, “Side view of Chemical plant” 26. Naugatuck Chemical, “View of truck unloading at chemical plant” 27. Naugatuck Chemical, “Back view of the offices” 28. Naugatuck Chemical, “Side view of offices” 29. Naugatuck Chemical, “Front of the chemical plant” 30. Naugatuck Chemical, “ View of the train at the chemical plant” 31. United States Rubber Company, “Front view of the mill” 32. United States Rubber Company, “Front view of offices” 33. United States Rubber Company, “The back of the mill” 34. United States Rubber Company, “ Side view of the mill” 35. United States Rubber Company, “ Complete side view of the mill” 36. United States Rubber Company, “Side view of U.S. Rubber”





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