View of S.E. Corner, S. Center at Chestnut St.
The Bonitz Hotel was built circa 1863 by J.H. William Bonitz, a
German immigrant. Bonitz sold the hotel in 1879 to Messrs. Merrett
and Bungting of Wilmington. It burned later that year and Mr. Bonitz
chose to rebuild a larger and more elaborate hotel to replace it. It
was located at 206 E. Center St., on the southeast corner of Center
and Chestnut streets. He and his wife Mary administered the new
hotel until it was traded for land in 1884 to Dr. George L. Kirby,
who renamed it the Arlington. The hotel stayed in operation until
1915 and the building was known by this name until
Transcription: "Arlington Hotel Center and Chestnut. Built in 1878 by Wm. Bonitz. Julius Bonitz."
Transcription: "Arlington Hotel Center and Chestnut. Built in 1878 by Wm. Bonitz. Julius Bonitz."