Copy of a photograph of Joe Minor and William
Rush collecting quaterfolded copies of The
Transcription: Rob and Joe read proofs. Boone businessman and meterologist Joe C. Minor (left), contributes these photos from nearly 40 years ago when he was a printer, Linotype operator, pressman, photographer and reporter for the Watauga Democrat. He and the late William E. Rush collect quaterfolded copies of the Appalachian. This edition, from roughly 1956, features two leading headlines: "Harmon Will Reign Over May Day Fete" and "Advent of Spring Brings Campus May Activities." They are working on the old Goss flatbed press now in service on the Island of Aruba. Some 10 years later, the Democrat would be the second North Carolina newspaper to convert to offset presses.
Transcription: Rob and Joe read proofs. Boone businessman and meterologist Joe C. Minor (left), contributes these photos from nearly 40 years ago when he was a printer, Linotype operator, pressman, photographer and reporter for the Watauga Democrat. He and the late William E. Rush collect quaterfolded copies of the Appalachian. This edition, from roughly 1956, features two leading headlines: "Harmon Will Reign Over May Day Fete" and "Advent of Spring Brings Campus May Activities." They are working on the old Goss flatbed press now in service on the Island of Aruba. Some 10 years later, the Democrat would be the second North Carolina newspaper to convert to offset presses.