Black and white photo of 2 adults at loom inside
Firestone plant. Photo also found in the February 1969 issue of the
Firestone News.
Transcription: Notice attached to back of photograph: SPIDER WEB--Resembling a newly spun web is this high-speed loom which twists strands of yarn into tire cord at the Firestone Synthetic Fibers and Textiles Company plant at Bowling Green, Ky. Almost two miles of cord is used in the average four-ply Firestone tire.
Transcription: Notice attached to back of photograph: SPIDER WEB--Resembling a newly spun web is this high-speed loom which twists strands of yarn into tire cord at the Firestone Synthetic Fibers and Textiles Company plant at Bowling Green, Ky. Almost two miles of cord is used in the average four-ply Firestone tire.